Questioning everything, everywhere with OnePulse

May 20, 2019
Stay Winning with Consumer Insights
December 2, 2019

If you’re reading this, you probably know that OnePulse can get you quality feedback from real people, fast. Really, fast. In case you don’t, allow us to paint a picture for you:


You know that brilliant question you had in the middle of a meeting last week, but now can’t quite remember? Or the question you and your friends had in the middle of dinner a couple weeks ago that Google couldn’t answer (Google can’t tell you the favourite type of wine of 26-44 year-old women with children as an example).


Imagine how impressed your boss would be if you came with a data-supported solution to an issue from Monday morning into the team meeting on Monday afternoon, or how thrilled your friends would be if you could get 100 verbatims on wine preferences in a minute?


Always having this sort of knowledge at your fingertips is powerful. On top of the typical ways you use OnePulse (creative testing, pitches, brand work, new product development, we could go on..) you could use it….


...gut-checking an idea
...settling a disagreement in a meeting
...thought-starters in a brainstorm
...last minute data, or even real-time data, before or during a presentation or speech a dinner party, showing off your knowledge of millennial eating habits
...settling a disagreement with a partner or friend (who will win the Champions League Final)
...on a night out after a few beers, debating what Nairobian’s cocktail of choice is at H


All (sort of) jokes aside, there’s no need for a complex research process - get to see those responses roll in like magic. On-demand insight has never been so… on demand.


Want to try it out but don't have an account with us? Get in touch.

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